Some say that concurrent training is bad for muscle growth. If you want to build muscle as fast as humanly possible, endurance training should be kept to an absolute minimum. How much cardio, if any, should you do when you’re trying to build muscle? At what point does concurrent training start interfering with muscle growth? […]
Does Cardio Lower Testosterone Levels?
Large amounts of endurance exercise and being very lean are both associated with lower testosterone levels. In fact, some research on male athletes participating in endurance sports, such as marathons and long-course triathlons, reports testosterone levels that are just 50% of those found in comparable age-matched, non-exercising men. The common characteristics and traits of men […]
VO2 Muscle
VO2 Muscle is a hybrid training program designed to produce rapid gains in both muscle size and cardiovascular fitness, without the need to pound your joints with heavy weights, or do endless burpees, jumping jacks, squat thrusts and other exercises you hate doing.
Attack of the Killer Time Under Tension Junkies
A time under tension junkie decloaks and fires a couple of photon torpedoes in my direction: ===== Wow! You are a either a complete fool or a narcissist. I love how you dismiss time under tension as something people should NOT focus on but, you provide no proof, studies or research/theories. I can only surmise […]
Is Fasted Cardio Really Better for Fat Loss?
Is exercise on an empty stomach really going to help you lose fat faster? Some people claim it’s the secret to weight loss, while others say it’s no better than exercise done after a meal. Who’s right? Back in the day, I used to do a lot of fasted cardio, mainly because I believed that […]
Who Wins the Fight: Body Fat Scales or DEXA?
Came across an interesting new study the other day, where a team of researchers from Texas compared a number of different body fat tests to see which one was the most accurate . There was a lot about this study to like: 1. It looked at a wide range of body fat testing methods, from […]